


[暴雷] sara的告別信

You know I love you. I feel I've loved you forever.
(你知道的, 我愛你. 總覺得我愛你愛了一輩子了.)

Lately, I haven't been feeling very well. Truth be told, I'm tired.
(近來, 我都一直覺得不太好. 老實告訴你, 我是累了)

Out in the dessert under that car that night,

I realized something and I haven't been able to shake it.
(我察覺到某些事情, 而這些事情 我無法不去想)

Since my father died, I've spent almost my entire life with ghosts.
We've been like close friends
(自從我父親過世, 我就終生與鬼魂相伴

and out there in the dessert
it occurred to me that it was time for me to bury them.

I can't do that here. I'm so sorry.
(我無法在這裡做到(埋葬過去). 我很抱歉)

No matter how hard I try to fight it off,
I'm left with the feeling that I have to go.

I have no idea where I'm going, but I know I have to do this.
(我不知道要往哪裡去, 但我就是知道我必須這麼做)

If I don't, I'm afraid I'll self destruct
(如果不這麼做, 我怕我會自我毀滅)

and worse, you'll be there to see it happen.
更糟的是, 你會親眼看到這件事發生

Be safe.

Know that I tried very hard to stay.
(請你理解 我非常努力試著要留下來)

Know that you were my one and only.
(請你理解 你仍然是我獨一而唯一的那個人)

I'll miss you with every beat of my heart.
(我會想你 隨著我的每一個心跳)

Our life together was the only home I've ever had.
I wouldn't trade it for anything.
(我們在一起的時光 是我僅有的唯一的家

I love you. I always will.
(愛你. 一直一直)




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